HOW TO MAKE A FORTUNE TRADING PENNY STOCK Most people have heard stories about the super- profits that "might" have been made trading in the stockmarkets but...guess what? most of the information spoon-fed to the unsuspecting investing public, those stories are based upon hypothetical situations. No one ever really did it and the possibilities of someone ever doing it are slim and none. How To Make a Fortune Trading NASDAQ (Penny) Stock is a special report that tells how J. F. Straw made over $130,000 in just three months (August- October, 1991) trading only one NASDAQ stock. The report tells why he decided to buy that stock, how he moved the stock in his trading accounts to save commissions and leverage the buy, and most importantly, how you can do the same thing. No hypothetical nonsense in this report. Real numbers, a real trade, real profits, and how it was really done! Although this report details one specific trade, to show you how it was really done, it gives you a step-by-step method for making money (almost every time) trading the stocks the NASDAQ brokers tout to you on the telephone. The report is short and to the point, but, if you're interested in really making a profit trading NASDAQ (Penny) Stock, when you finish reading, you'll be able to do it. To order How To Make A Fortune Trading NASDAQ (Penny) Stock, send US$29.95 to Phlander Company, Dept. 70197, P.O. Box 5385, Cleveland TN 37320, U.S.A. They do accept Visa and MasterCard.